

This is the first day that the site is up! I finally did it! Well, anyway, I'm your webmaster Zephon and I'll be providing you with the most up to date info on what is sure to be the greatest game of '99, possibly of all time. Okay, on to the news. The release date is currently June 28th, and will be in stores the 29th, but if that is too long of a wait, you can supress your appetite by running down a copy of the "Official Playstation Magazine", issue #13, with a limited, yet incredibly exciting demo of LoK 2. Also, for a longer demo, rent The Unholy War. I'm gonna try to keep you updated daily, at least until school kicks in again.


It's one day closer to the release and I'm incredibly excited. I watched all the movies at the official site, which is no longer Crystal Dynamics. Finally Eidos took over their web page, and it looks great. The address is I have also learned that the retail price for the game will be $49.99 and a stratagy guide courtasy of Prima will retail for $12.99. That's alot lower than some guides for other games. Finally, I will have the walkthrough and secrets/codes sections up just as soon as the game is released. If there is anything that isn't on this site, please e-mail me, but I'm going to try to get a links page and a message board up asap.



Hey, I fixed the glitches in my site, so now all the pages are accessable. LoK2 commercials are out now and the game looks very cool in motion on a T.V. If you haven't seen one of them yet, they seem to appear on Comedy Central frequently. Lastly, I had to remove the image backgrounds that looked really cool. I couldn't get them on the web, though, so; I'm sorry. Check back constantly, because I am updating all the time.



main page

story picture gallary
walkthrough (not up yet) secrets/codes (not up yet) e-mail me