
Long ago, a vampire was created when a man known as Kain was slaughtered, then resurrected as a demon. Slowly he went on a quest as an anti-hero, destroying the other vampires in the land of Nosgoth. Finally he defeats them all, and he has a choice to make. Sacrifice himself to purify man-kind, or rule Nosgoth and corrupt humanity. This sequal to the playstation classic Legacy of Kain-Blood Omen assumes that he chose the latter option.

Now Kain rules over the post apocalyptic world of Nosgoth along with his six vampire lieutenants. Humankind has been purged of its' life, transformed into mindless vampires that each follow one of the lieutenants. For entertainment, the lieutenants and Kain would pit each others' clan of followers against one another in battles.

Eventually they tired of the games, and left the royal court to their servents. The six lieutenants and Kain went to a wilderness retreat where they slowly evolved into "dark gods". In every evolution, Kain, the leader, would go first, then another would follow in a few years.

However, one day, one of the lieutenants, Raziel, evolved before Kain. He grew wings. For his action, Kain had him thrown into the "vortex", a whirlpool of water that leads to the spiritual realm. Once in the spiritual realm, Raziel meet an entity known as the elder. He tells Raziel that he feeds off of the souls of the dead, but since the human race has been converted to near-invincable vampires, he can't get any more souls. He makes Raziel a deal. Raziel may return to the surface world and exact his revenge against Kain, in exchange for collecting the souls of the undead that he must get past in order to reach Kain. That is his mission. Your mission.



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